Скоро Hacker Methodology Handbook: Version 1.3 [Thomas Bobeck]

4 Сен 2023


Hacker Methodology Handbook: Version 1.3

Авторы: Томас Бобек
Объем оригинала: 99 стр.
Дата выхода: December 3, 2019
Язык: английский
Формат: конвертация из kindle в PDF

Спойлер: Содержание
This handbook is the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to jump into the world of penetration testing, but doesn't know where to start. This book covers every phase of the hacker methodology and what tools to use in each phase. These phases include recon, scanning and enumeration, exploitation, privileged escalation, persistence and data exfil. The tools covered in this book are all open source or already present on Windows and Linux system. Covered is the basics usage of the tools, examples, options used with the tools, as well as any notes about possible side effects of using a specific tool.


RECON: Web Based Publicly Available Info

Recon: CLI Publicly Avaiable Info

Recon: DNS

Scanning and Enumeration: General

Scanning and Enumeration: SNMP

Scanning and Enumeration: NULL Sessions

Scanning and Enumeration: SMB

Scanning and Enumeration: CISCO

Scanning and Enumeration: Web

Scanning and Enumeration: Wireless / network


Exploitation: Bruteforcing

Exploitation: Web

Internal Recon: Windows Systems

Internal Recon: Linux Systems

Internal Recon: Network Traffic

Establishing a Foothold: Linux

Establishing a Foothold: Windows

Privilege Escalation: Windows

Privilege Escalation: Linux

Privilege Escalation: Both


Data Transfer

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