Скоро How To Prepare For The Future Of Mobile UX [Interaction Design Foundation]

4 Сен 2023

Interaction Design Foundation

How To Prepare For The Future Of Mobile UX

Webinar with Steven Hoober, President - Design, 4ourth Mobile

Как подготовиться к будущему мобильного пользовательского опыта (UX)?

Вебинар со Стивеном Хубером, дизайн-президентом в 4ourth Mobile

Получим запись вебинара.

В 2020 году почти 3.5 миллиарда мобильных пользователей. Для понимания перспектив, учтём что сейчас примерное население мира - 7.8 миллиардов человек. Получаем мобильный рынок размером в половину всей популяции человечества.

Бизнес обоснование инвестирования в мобильный UX самодостаточно, и до сих пор mobile UX не до конца понимают правильно.

На мастер-классе Стивен Хубер объяснит:

Почему mobile важен
Почему mobile отличается от других платформ
Технические подходы к реализации mobile UX
Роль посыла, нарратива в mobile UX
Решения приватности, уникальные для mobile UX
Влияние mobile на поиск и сёрфинг в интернете
Гайдлайны мобильного дизайна
Как учесть скорость соединения и задержку в мобильном дизайне

Спойлер: Описание на английском
It’s estimated that there are over 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world as of 2020. To put that in perspective, the entire population of the world is estimated at 7.8 billion people—which means the market for mobile stands at almost half of the entire global population. The business case for investing in mobile UX is self-evident, and yet, mobile UX is often misunderstood.

To complicate matters, the definition of “mobile” is getting increasingly fuzzier. Many new PCs are touch-enabled, and convertible Tablet PCs have been popular for years. In many parts of the world, mobile is quickly replacing PCs as the primary device of use. So, as designers, how should you begin to distinguish between mobile and desktop? More importantly, should you even make such a distinction?

With mobile devices evolving rapidly in scope and penetration, mobile UX must keep pace. The rapid pace of change means that the principles and heuristics used to guide mobile UX design can quickly become obsolete. In other words, when it comes to mobile UX, you should always design for the future. And who better to walk you through the future of mobile UX than Steven Hoober, the expert who literally wrote the textbook on designing mobile interfaces!

In this Master Class, Steven Hoober will explain:

Why mobile matters
Why mobile is different
Technical approaches to mobile UX
The role of messaging in mobile UX
Privacy considerations unique to mobiles
The impact of mobile on search and browsing
Guidelines for mobile design
How to factor network speed and latency into mobile design
Steven is one of the foremost experts on mobile design and derives many of these insights from his ongoing research into touchscreen usage. Through this Master Class, you can benefit from his decades of expertise in the field—and participate in a live Q&A with him at the end! If you cannot join the live broadcast, register and you’ll receive a recording to catch up with the complete session.

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